4.1. Customer List
4.1.2. Customer Search
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4.1.2. Customer Search

Searching for a Customer

Click on the Search for a Customer and the Search window opens. Several search criteria fields display on the Customer Search form.

Image CustomerSearchWindow.JPG

If you have multiple currencies defined in your System Configuration, you will also see the Customer Currency selection option as shown below.

Image CustomerSearchWindowMultCurr.JPG

Search Field Description
Customer Name Enter the first few characters of the customer name or Second Name (if used), if you entered a second customer name, the search will return the primary customer name, if found
Account Number Enter the Customer account number
Customer Number Enter the Customer number
Located In Allows searching by State
Country Allows searching by Country
Tax ID Allows searching by Tax Exempt ID number
Credit Limit Allows searching by Credit Limit dollar value
Customer Currency Allows searching by currency type
Discount ID Allows searching by defined discount id's
GSA Allows searching for customers flagged as GSA
PO Required Allows searching for customers flagged for PO Required
Sales Rep Allows searching by Sales Rep name, finds all customers that this sales rep has created proposals for

Enter as many of the search criteria fields as you like. The more information you enter the fewer matches you will find. Broader searches will return more results.

If no matches are found, a message saying no matches were found is displayed.

Image CustomerNoResults.JPG

The example below shows the search results from inputting 'tes' in the Customer Name search field.

Image CustomerNameSearch.JPG

As you type in the Customer Name field, any matching entries found in the Customer database will appear in a drop down selection box. If you see the entry you wish to search for, click on that entry and click on the Search button. If the drop down selection box does not display any matches then that customer name does not exist in your customer database.

To select a customer from the Search Results window, just click on that entry in the displayed list. This will open the Edit Customer window on the General Information tab.

4.1.2. Customer Search
4.1. Customer List
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4.2. Customer Credits